Thursday, October 11, 2012

580th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable on Forgiveness Con't. - Parable of the Produgal Son Con't. - Luke 15: 11 - 31 Con't. 7th Post.

Luke 15: 11 - 31 Continued Parable of the Prodigal Son Con't. 7th post.
We left off last post with the Father seeing his son in the distance and goes running out to greet him.  Lets put this scene into the context of the time of Jesus during His earthly Ministry.  If a Jewish Father gave his son his inheritance before he was dead, in his father's eyes, that son was dead!  The father would not scan the horizon looking for his son.  Then when he sees his son a long way off, goes off to meet him.  Remember in the times of Jesus, mature men wore long robes.  It would be hard for us to understand what the father had to do before he could run.  The father would have gathered his robe up and tucked it into his belt, so as not to trip on it as he ran.  Think of this scene, this older man is running through the land, and the people would be watching this scene as it was not a common occurrence.  Even here, the father would be sheltering his son from the on lookers.  The father is still trying to protect his son.  If an earthly father would go to these lengths to save his son, how much further would your Heavenly Father go, to save you??  This is the point Jesus was making here.  Our Heavenly Father loved us so much, that He offered His Son as payment for all who believe in Jesus Christ.  That is the ultimate of grace and mercy!  Now the father not only forgave his son, but he restored him as well!  I am running out of space here so will continue next post.

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