Saturday, February 2, 2013

604th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables About the End of the Age Con't. - The Parable of the Wheat and Tares Con't. Matthew 13: 37 - 43& Luke13: 28, 3rd Post.

Parable of the Wheat and Tares Explained 3rd Post Matthew 13: 47 - 50; & Luke 13: 28.
We ended last post talking about Jesus using the phrases concerning the "End of Age", and "End of this Age".  At first glance it looks like Jesus might be talking about two different ages.  This is not the case, if you look at Jesus' explanation, He was talking about sowing He was doing while He was still on the earth, and the sowing that his disciples would do and continue to do until He comes again.  The End of the Age is this one coming.  Jesus always talked about coming again, not again and again.  When Jesus said it be the End of This Age when the angels come to harvest the tares first and then the good wheat, He was talking about at the End.  There is a lot of teaching out there saying something different.  This study has been about looking at what Jesus Said and explaining it.  If you have been following this blog, you have noticed that a lot of time has been given to all the teachings of Jesus.  Wheat and Tares, are sown throughout the world,and are everywhere.  Just because someone goes to Church every Sunday, does not make him "Wheat".  Jesus spent three and half years telling us what is required of us to become "Wheat".  When Jesus comes it will unfold, just like He said it would.  The important thing to know is "Will you be found doing His business, or will you be found being idle??  It is up to you.

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