Friday, February 5, 2010

15th Post The Good Shepherd - Comment

Its funny that we have been looking at the Good Shepherd and false shepherds, true committed sheep and sheep trying to look like true sheep. We are told that to be a Christian means you are striving to be Christ-like. How come is it, then when in some Churches you don't see the attributes Christ taught being done by the Church members? Have we grown so complacent with our teachings on Jesus that we have forgotten that we are to continue to try to act like Jesus acted? It seems that Church should bring out the best in people. In some Churches there seems to be no difference between the way they act and the way the world acts. In a lot of ways we are acting like the Pharisees that lived during Jesus' day. The Pharisees dressed in ways that set them apart. In fact the word Pharisee means to set apart. They only associated with their own group, and only interacted within that group; except when they were doing acts of kindness. Christ asked us to be salt and light. To be Salt and Light means that you are not afraid to stand up for Christ especially when the world goals are contrary and point out those differences to the world. Jesus said to be known as His Sheep we need to love one another. If our behavior in Church matches the world out side of Church, how are we salt and light exactly?
How do we show the world that we love one another?? If we have lost this, how do we get back?
This is the same problem with asking for revival. According to 2 Chronicles 7:14; if you look up that verse you will notice that God clearly states that revival starts with His People. It is the same thing in the New Testament whether revival or turning back to Christ the work starts with God's people. A Church changes one believer at a time. If your Church looks like the one mentioned above you can start to affect this positive change by adopting positive teachings of Christ in your own life at home, work and in Church. This is how you go about making change happen. However, some sheep look for a church that is displaying these positive attributes join the Church but do not assimilate into that Church. They believe that since they attend there, they have those attributes also. To reap the benefits of these attributes, you have to adopt these attributes.

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