Saturday, February 20, 2010

20th Post Jesus Authority - Matthew 11:27; Luke 10: 22

The passage states that all things were given to the Son by His Father, no one knows the Son except the Father, and the one the Son wills to reveal Him. This is another passage that says the way to the Father is very narrow, it only goes through the Son (Jesus). When Jesus said that the Father gave Him all things; this means that Jesus is not acting on His own but is doing the will of His Father. When Adam sinned in the Garden of Eden (Genesis chapter 3), man was separated from God through his defiance of God's Law. We have been in this sinful nature ever since. God the Father sent Jesus His Son to restore us back to the Father. Not everyone who hears this message will believe; this is part of our free choice. It is this free choice that causes us to not do the will of God. When you choose to believe, it is through the will of Jesus (God's Son). It is this fact that should keep believer's from bragging that they are saved. They are saved because God died for their sins through Jesus and picked them to believe. We can be thankful, but not boastful. Just as in the time of Jesus, people have had to make a decision to believe or not. Today we have the same decision to make. I believe we have it a little bit easier, because we have access to more written accounts of Jesus than the people living at the time Jesus walked this earth. At that time not everyone had a chance to actually see and hear Jesus. Even today, the message is the same Jesus wants to restore man back to God. All men, not only Jews, but anyone who would believe. The message is the same and the road is still narrow.

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