Tuesday, October 26, 2010

170th Post Jesus Said on Submission - New Chapter Comment

Like commitment that we have just studied, submission is also just as important. These are the attributes (when applied to Jesus), that will set you apart from the rest of the world. Just like you learned in the last section about commitment, submission is also a 24 hour, 7 day a week obligation. This is how Jesus knows you are sincere, willing and able to follow. These are the two areas, New Testament teachers, do not stress enough. They will tell you that once you become a follower of Christ, everything will be perfect and your life will become a bowl of cherries, you will be rich and famous, and have tons of friends. Jesus on the other hand said "If anyone comes after Me, he must first deny himself, take up his cross daily and follow Me." (Luke 9:23). Where in that passage does it say, you will be rich and famous, or popular? Jesus said "If you follow Me, you will have life and live it more abundantly". What Jesus promised is not the same thing that the New Testament teachers are telling you in their statements mentioned above. Riches, fame, popularity these are what the world offers. Jesus said "Be in the world, but not of it." As you live your life for Jesus, He may choose to reward you with riches, fame popularity, etc. You will possess them, not they possessing you. The difference is you know, you are blessed with or without the riches, fame and popularity. These things do not define you, so if you lost them, you would still stay committed and submitted to Jesus Christ your Lord!! Once you have Jesus, you will forsake everything, before you will forsake Him. This is what the Book of Job, was trying to teach us. Where do you weigh in on this??

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