Tuesday, January 18, 2011

220th Post Jesus on Love & Obedience Con't. - John 14: 23 - 24

John 14: 23 - 24 Jesus with disciples on Maundy Thursday in upper room.
If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him. He who does not love Me does not keep My words; and the word which you hear is not Mine but the Father's who sent Me.
This passage was spoken by Jesus the night He was to be betrayed, this was the last time Jesus would speak this openly to His disciples. Look how many times, and how many different ways Jesus seems to be saying the same thing. Jesus keeps stressing how important it is to love Him and keep His words. In this passage He says that if you do this the Father will also love you, because Jesus' words are really the Father's. Even this far into Jesus ministry, He is still pointing to the chain of command. These should be looked as links in a chain, and when you begin a relationship with God you are linked to a chain of believer's, if you are the first believer in your household, you are linked with the person who brought you and they are linked to someone else, etc. It is your being part of the chain that gives you strength, you are never alone, nor face things alone. This is why tradition is important, and must be part of a believer's heritage. New Christians do not understand the importance of this, and seem ready to embrace the next new thing that comes down the pike. We say that God is the same, today, tomorrow and yesterday, but they worship as God is only TODAY!!!

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