Wednesday, January 19, 2011

221st Post Jesus on Love & Obedience Con't. - John 15: 12

John 15: 12 Jesus with Disciples in upper room Maundy Thursday Continued.
This is My commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.
Look here it is again, "Love one another as I have loved you." Jesus knows our human condition all too well. Jesus knows how hard this is for us to do, but it is necessary for us to do this to show the rest of the world that we are different. Look back a few hours earlier, Jesus was having to deal with the disciples wanting to know who the greatest was going to be. When you really love someone they don't have to fight for placement on the how much you care for them scale. You love them for who they are and not for what you hope they will be able to do or get for you. This is how the world loves, God and His followers love because we are commanded to and without scale markings. Paul lists the attributes of agape love in 1 Corinthians chapter 13. Many couples have these words said at their weddings, because the words sound nice; but not understanding that we as humans cannot love this way. Only God can love without measure or without expecting something in return. Agape love is our model, and should be strived for. We can achieve some level of this with God's help only. The motto of Churches in the 1960's was "They will know we are Christians by our love." This should still be true today. How are we as a Church doing at this? What form of love is the Church today adopting? Can we be linked to the Church Jesus started when He put His Hands on Peter's Head?

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