Tuesday, July 31, 2012

547th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Good Samaritan Con't. - Luke 10: 30 - 37 Con't. 8th Post.

Parable of the Good Samaritan Continued - 8th Post.
The story continues with the Samaritan showing up and having compassion on the victim tends to his wounds and takes him to an inn, for further care.  Jesus used a Samaritan to further make His point.  Jews believed the Samaritans to be the least of men even though they were part Jewish.  There in lies the problem.  Jews prized the fact that they could trace their Jewish roots down both sides of their family tree.  Jews believed that they were the "Chosen People of God", and because of this enjoyed a higher place with God than other people.  The Jews were indeed chosen by God, but they were not to look on themselves as better, just different.  This is why God requires them to dress a certain way, eat and to act and treat others a certain way.  God taught that their neighbor was all people, they were to treat all people as they would like to be treated.  The Samaritan in Jesus' story, not only treated the man's wounds, but took him with him to a place of protection, and continued to take care of this man. Its like Jesus anticipated our next question, how much assistance are we required to give to our neighbor.  This like most of Jesus' other teachings are very hard to do, to God's level of commitment. Continued next post. 

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