Thursday, August 2, 2012

548th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Good Samaritan Con't - 9th Post Luke 10: 30 - 37.

The Parable of the Good Samaritan Continued - 9th Post - Luke 10: 30 - 31.
What does this parable teach us today?  The answer is plenty, don't think you can learn anything from this parable?  Take the Samaritan, in the story and substitute it with a homeless person, or the victim for that matter.  Would you act more like the priest and Levite in the story, or would you still be the Samaritan?  How far would you go in offering help?  Would you put this person in your car?  These examples are written from an American perspective, because that is where I happen to live.  If you live somewhere else and are reading this, make your own substitutions, you know what God is telling you through these words.  What if you are the innkeeper and these people come to you?  Would you show them the door, or would you have the same compassion, the innkeeper had in Jesus' parable?  The Parable of the Good Samaritan is very relative to us today, and the message is still as strong as it was then.  In God's Eyes, all men are our neighbor, and we need to treat them with respect and dignity. 

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