Tuesday, November 20, 2012

585th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables Concerning the Last Shall Be First New Section - My Comments.

New Section of Parables dealing with the topic of the Last Shall Be First.  First Post this Section.
The Parables in this section are as follows:
The Laborer's Wages
The Guests' Excuses
The Rich Man and Lazarus

We will be looking at these parables in the upcoming posts.  When you look at all the above parable titles, you will notice they all deal with End Times, and Judgment.  This will be the theme that ties these different stories together.  They all deal with End Times and Judgment, but different phases of these two subjects.  Jesus told these stories because He knew what Heaven looks like, but had to try to put this knowledge into language the people would understand.  It has been over 2,000 years since Jesus spoke these words.  There have been a lot written on these parables.  This study, from when it first started in January 2010, has been trying to look at Jesus' Words in the context they were spoken, and then trying to apply them to our lessons today.  This has been our objective, only you can tell if I was successful or not.

As you read the Gospels with us, you have undoubtedly noticed that Jesus seldom told parables one at a time, but in strings. Jesus did this because all of the different parables in the string all had the same theme.  This was not by accident, but by design, sometimes the themes of the parables did not always seem like they were connected, but they are.  Parables were told to provide truth and understanding, to those who seek the truth.       

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