Friday, November 23, 2012

589th Post Jesus Said Conerning Parables Con't. - Parables About The First Being Last Con't. - Parable on the Laborer's Wages Con't. - 4th Post - Matthew 20: 1 - 16.

Matthew 20: 1 - 16 Parable of the Laborer's Wages Continued 4th Post.
We left last post talking about the eleventh hour and what did Jesus mean when He said it.  To try to understand this, we need to look at the context in which this passage was said.  Remember, it was late in Jesus' earthly Ministry and it was very close to the time  He was to be crucified.  As we have found with earlier parables, much of the information given, was to answer or explain the topic Jesus was currently preaching on; in this case "End Times", and what was to happen.  If you look at this parable in context of Jesus Ministry, He was in the evening of His Ministry, nearing the end.  When Jesus died, what would that mean to "Laborer's" to His vineyard?  Would the door be closed at that time, or does this give new meaning to the term "eleventh hour"?  This is one meaning of the term "eleventh hour".  There is another meaning to this statement in the parable.  The different times that the landowner goes out and finds laborer's to work in his vineyard, symbolizes the period in their (the laborer's) life, when they decided to make a decision to accept Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and follow Him.    

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