Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels At the Same T ime The Magnificat of Mary Luke 1: 46 - 56 Page 4

Luke's account of Mary clearly states that Mary called the baby in her womb (my Savior).  Luke 1: 47.  If Mary were the Mother of God, she would have no need of a Savior.  Mary is the Mother of Jesus, not the Mother of God.  For Mary to be the Mother of God, she would have to be God; she would have been with God at the beginning.  She would also be another intercessor to God the Father.  Jesus is called our High Priest, and as such is the only intercessor to God the Father.  Jesus stated in John 14: 6 "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father except through me."  This statement spoken by Jesus Christ is pretty clear that there are no exceptions, concerning who has access to the Father.  That means,  not Mary, nor the Saints, have direct access like Jesus.
Mary has been revered by all generations since, for her role in providing a way for the Messiah, the Christ to be born, and to take on the form of a man.  Jesus' name means "He saves us from our sins".

Sin was brought into the world, by a man made perfect who disobeyed God and brought sin into the world.  All mankind in this state is doomed to hell, because we do not possess the power to obey God on our own.  We need another Adam, to be tempted by Satan and yet be able to do the Will of God.  This man has to be sinless, like the first Adam in order to accomplish God's Will.  The Bible teaches that sin is transferred through the man.  I will talk more about sin, later in this study.

In verse 50 of Luke chapter 1; Mary states "His mercy is for those who fear him from generation to generation.  God grants mercy to them who trust and obey His Words and Statutes. 

Mary prophesied that Jesus will bring down the mighty from their thrones and exalted those of humble estate; he has filled the hungry with good things. and the rich he has sent empty away.

People think to be "Christian" means you have to be poor.  This is not so, what Jesus was saying you must love God more than anything; the problem is people who have money, try to make more and more.  This attitude puts money before God. 

The last part of Mary's Magnificat verses 54 & 55, deal with Israel.  The Jews are still the promised people,  Mary states forever.   The World and some "Christians" believe this is not so.  Some "Christians" believe that the Jews lost their favor with God, when they had Jesus Crucified.  This is just not so.  I will explain this in more detail when we study Jesus' Crucucifixion.

Mary returns home to Nazareth after spending 3 months with Elizabeth in the hill country in Judah.

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