Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels At the same time John the Baptist's Childhood Post 5

John the Baptist had been placed in a very unusual situation.  His father was Zacharias, a High Priest from the Line of Aaron.  Zacharias would have expected his son to live out his life serving in the Temple in Jerusalem, following in his footsteps.  This was not going to be the case.  John's ministry was to be preaching on the highways, and byways trying to get the Jews in Israel to come back to God and prepare the way for God's Messiah to come.
Zacharias was to prepare John, for this task God had given John.  Zacharias, being a High Priest, had access to the Library in the Temple, that contained all of the sacred teachings of the Jews.  In order for John to prepare the way for God's Messiah (Jesus Christ), he had to be knowledgeable in all Scripture passages concerning the Messiah.  I will go into this later in this study.

Other Levites would train their children in how to take care in the operating of the Temple.  They would concentrate on what was required to perform the duties of the High Priests, and the various other duties carried out by the other clans of Levites.  By other clans, I mean those not of the Line of Aaron, but still Levites.  I will go into this later in this study.

The High Priest's duties did not necessarily demand a working knowledge of Bible Prophecy.  This also will be looked into more detail later on in this study.

Zacharias was to train John in the Scriptures that deal with the Messiah, the reason He was sent, and what His duties would be.  This was a large undertaking, and as we will see in the coming posts, it is very easy for us to interject what we believe it should go and what God is going to do.  Look at all the books published on "End Times", it will not take you long to see there are many opinions on what will happen first, and how it will go.  If you are looking for these answers in this blog, you will not find them.  Hopefully, you will find them discussed and will find that we always bow to the Will of God.

John will be very willing and ready to do what God has asked of him.

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