Thursday, September 28, 2017

Bibe Study of All 4 Gospels at the Same Time - Circumcision and Presentation of Jesus at the Temple - Post 9

Mary and Joseph brought Jesus to the Temple to be circumcised when Jesus was 8 days old.  This was done to fulfill the requirements stated in the Law of Moses.  According to the Law of Moses all male children were to be circumcised when they were 8 days old.  One of the requirements of Jesus saving us from our sins, was that he would keep all the Jewish Laws perfectly, Jesus had to be perfect, to take the sin out of the world, that Adam allowed in when he sinned at the fall in the Garden of Eden.  Adam was created perfect until he fell, Jesus would have to remain perfect in order to take sin out of the world.   Jesus could not be born from a man and a woman, because he would have been born into the same sin that Adam brought into the world.  Jesus had to come from above (Heaven), only God would be strong enough to withstand the devil's trials and not fail.  Along with presenting Jesus to be circumcised, a sacrifice was required due at the time of presentation.  Mary and Joseph gave a pair of doves or two small pigeons.  They gave this amount because they were poor.  Then they returned home in Bethlehem.    
A month after birth the Jewish parents that were not of the tribe of Levi would have to redeem their first-born male children back from God.  All first-born male children had to be dedicated to the Lord, as an offering of first fruit.  The Levites had to dedicate their male first-born into service of the Lord.  as  stated in Numbers 1: 47 - 54.  The rest of the Jewish males had to be redeemed from God's service as specified in Numbers 18:16.  This account is important, because Jesus had to satisfy all the Jewish Laws in order to be proclaimed the "propitiation" (1 John 4: 10b)  sacrifice, the complete sacrifice for the remission of all sin.  This was to occur approximately 30 days after birth.  It was during this Temple visit that Simeon and Anna met the infant Jesus.  Simeon was a devout Jew and was told by God that he would not die until he beheld the Christ child.  Simeon took Jesus into his arms and blessed him Luke 2: 29 - 32.

Anna was also in the Temple that day.  Her story is stated in Luke 2: 36 - 40.  Anna also was a devout Jewess and spent her days in the Temple after the death of her husband, she had been a widow for 84 years.  God told her also, that she would not die until she beheld the Messiah.  All of these things occurred so that the Word of the Lord would be fulfilled.

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