Monday, October 9, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels at the Same Time - Visit of the Wise Men (Magi) Matthew 2: 1 - 12 - Post 10

Who are these Wise Men, these "Magi"?  And why would they be interested in an infant's birth in a small obscure kingdom such as Israel?  These are very important questions and need to be answered if you are to understand who this "Baby" is.  The Wise Men or Magi were not themselves kings, but they were high officials in the kingdoms that hired them.  Kingdoms would hire Magi's or Wise Men to advise them on world affairs; they were also prized for their spiritual knowledge and would be asked for leadership in this area as well.  Now that we know a little more about who these Magi were, why would they be interested in anyone born in Israel?  The Bible provides some insight into this question.  Magi would have ben present in Egypt's palace and would have seen Moses' miracles (Exodus Chapter 4 and following.  The Children of Israel had another encounter with a Magi, named Balaam, Numbers 22:22 and following; not going to tell his story here except to focus on Numbers 24: 17 "I see him, but not now; I behold him but not near: a star shall come out of Jacob , and a scepter shall rise out of Israel; it shall crush the forehead of Moab and break down all the sons of Sheth."

Nothing is said about the Magi until the book of Daniel; Nebuchadnezzar, the King of Babylon had a dream.  He summoned all magicians, enchanters, sorcerers, and the Chaldeans (Daniel 2:1 and following).  All the kings wise men could not help the king.  It was brought to the king's attention that a young Israelite named Daniel might be able to help.  Daniel's story continues through the rest of the book of Daniel.  Daniel becomes the head of the Magi in Babylon during this time.  The Magi become familiar with Israel and the "Star" that would mark the coming of the Israelite King.  We now understand why some Magi would be interested in this new "Star", and go to follow it.  This is why the Magi would travel to Jerusalem and to the palace of the king.  Their reception at the palace was less than warm.  Herod the Great, would question the magi as to why and where they would be led to his palace.  When the Magi told Herod that a child had been born, he asked his religious leaders to look through the Scriptures and find where this Messiah would be born.  The religious leaders found the Scripture that advised where the Messiah would be born (Micah 5: 2).

Notice that no one from the Palace of Herod went with the Magi, to see where the "Baby" was.  The Matthew account says that the Magi found the Baby, worshipped Him and returned to their own country by another way.  They did not return to Jerusalem to inform King Herod.  They had been warned in a dream not to see Herod again.

This whole story about the birth of Jesus, and everything that took place, seems pretty hard to believe; except for the fact, that there are facts you cannot dispel.  The virgin birth is hard to prove without the help of the Scriptures; by studying the Scriptures, you come to the conclusion that it has to be.  This is the only way that God have handled everything.  I know I have no control over who reads this blog, but I hope to show the truth of the Scriptures.  I am trying to provide facts in the hopes that you will gain a greater understanding of Who Jesus Christ is,

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