Thursday, September 2, 2010

132nd Post Jesus Said About Hell Con't - Matthew 5: 22- 30

Matthew 5: 26 - 30. In this section, Jesus continued to raise the bar set by the 10 Commandments. In this section Jesus focused on adultery. The ten commandments said not to commit it physically. Jesus raised the bar, by saying if you think lustfully in your head, you have already committed the sin. This was a completely new teaching. The Jews were now to be held accountable for what they thought. Up to this point, they felt that their thoughts were private and above accountability. Now Jesus said that they would be held accountable. We can be feeling this same way today. We live in an age where the internet is very easy to get, and there are plenty of places and sites we can visit in the privacy of our homes or offices. We feel because it is only viewed by us and not shared, somehow it is ok to do this. We are held to the same level today, that Jesus asked those listener's over 3,000 years ago. Jesus went on to say that if a member of your own body causes you to sin, it is better to cut that part out of your body so that you can enter the Kingdom of Heaven. It is better to enter into the Kingdom, less than whole in order to be restored completely in Heaven. This shows to the degree, we should try to live like Christ, that we would not go to hell. Think about how much God loves you, that He came and taught, died and rose again in order for us to have eternal life. Are you ready to follow Him??

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