Tuesday, September 28, 2010

144th Post Jesus Said on Hell Con't. Matthew 23:15 Con't.

Matthew 23: 15 Continued. The next part of the verse to look at is you hypocrites. Hypocrites are the worse form of false teacher, because they truly believe that they are teaching and acting correctly. The problem is that they are a walking contradiction, their talk does not match their walk. Remember Matthew Chapter 18? To be a Christian, you have to stay connected to the vine 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The teachers of the law believed (this is a broad statement including all 3 groups), that they could not sin, it was their job to point out the sin in other people, but they were above the teaching. Sounds like some political parties I know. Anyway, because these teachers were not keeping themselves to the same rules they were asking of the people to live under is just part of what Jesus was upset about. The next part of the verse is, you will go to any length to make a convert. We tend to think that the Old Testament did not teach about missionary work. This is not true, what Jesus was teaching, was exactly the same teaching the Jews received from Moses all those years earlier. The problem was that over time, the religious leaders started to teach based on their own understanding instead of God's! This is still possible today, we can still go astray. I have run out of space again, this will continue next blog.

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