Tuesday, September 28, 2010

145th Post Jesus Said on Hell Con't - Matthew 23: 15 Con't.

Matthew 23: 15 continued. The last part of this verse, you make him twice the son of hell that you are. That does not even seem possible. Here is the logic, if you are a false teacher, and you teach your pupil all that you know, he will start off at that point and continue, becoming worse than his teacher. The same is true of a good teacher. The student will never be above his teacher is what the Bible says. The teacher can teach all they know, but you do not get all they went through and learned along the way. Many things work together to make a good or a bad teacher. Since we live in a sinful world and have a sinful nature, we will always fall short of what God wants or expects. This is the whole reason for Jesus! He came into this world so that we could have life, and have it more abundantly. If we ask Jesus to forgive us our sins, He will do that. Not like in the Old Testament, where the blood of the animal only covered our sin. Jesus takes it away. No One else can do that!! With Jesus you can have eternal life!! This is the truth.

We ended on an up note, but in case you wonder why this passage is located in the hell section; it is because any teaching without the truth of Jesus is sending you to hell.

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