Tuesday, November 9, 2010

178th Post Jesus Said on Trust - New Topic Comment.

New Topic Comment on Trust.
God and people both use this word, but unfortunately there seems to be two different definitions. When God uses this word it is absolute, all the time, no exceptions. Where human understanding of this is more or less strong. The Bible standard teaching is to Trust and Obey. The stories in the Bible are man's struggle to do just that. You can count on God to hold up his side of the bargain; however, we on the other hand mostly mess up. Jesus had to suffer and die for us because Adam and Eve could not Trust and Obey. The fact that Jesus walked this earth and was going to the cross to pay for our lack of Trust, is proof that God keeps His Promises. Jesus died for all people who are sinners. Since Jesus is the only human that remained perfect and sinless, puts the rest of us into the sinner category. Romans teaches us that while we were still in our sins Jesus died for us. This means that any human can come to Jesus and ask for forgiveness, even today this very minute. We are encouraged to make the decision sooner than later, because this window of opportunity is only open for a while. When Jesus comes again, it will be too late to ask for forgiveness, because it will be the time for Him to judge. Jesus tells us to believe in His Words because He is God and will not fail. If you have not made a commitment yet, now is as good a time as any. Make the decision and change your life!

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