Wednesday, November 24, 2010

182nd Post Jesus Said on Worship Continued - Comment on Samaritans.

Who are the Samaritans, and why did the Jews hate them? You would know the answer to this if you have studied the Old Testament. The Kingdom of Israel, was divided between the Northern 10 tribes, and the Southern two tribes. God divided the Kingdom, because of the Jews unbelief. The Old Testament documents the split starting during the time of King Solomon, God told Solomon, that He would wait for Solomon to die first before dividing the Kingdom out of respect for God's relationship with David, Solomon's father. God's Temple was located in Jerusalem, in the Southern Kingdom. Jeroboam was the first king of the Northern Kingdom. He was so afraid of losing his power to the King of the South by allowing his subjects to go to the Temple and worship there; that he built two Golden Calves, one in Bethel, and the other in Dan. Jeroboam told his subjects they no longer had to go to Jerusalem to worship, but could stay within the Northern Kingdom's borders to Worship God. The Northern Kingdom was overthrown by the Assyrians who not only conquered them, but gathered up as many Jews as they could and took them to the land of Elam, and took the people of Elam and put them in the Northern Kingdom of Israel. The Jews in the North gave their children in marriage to the pagen people the Assyrians had put there. These pagen people brought their own gods with them and the Jews started worshiping them along with their own God. This is what created the race known as the Samaritans. Jews would look on the Samaritans as half breeds, and outcasts because they have fallen away from worshiping the Most High God! Jews would stay away from Samaritans considering them unclean.

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