Saturday, February 25, 2012

427th Post Jesus Said About Predictions About His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 16: 5 -6

John 16: 5 - 6.
But now I go away to Him who sent Me, and none of you asks Me, "Where are you going?" But because I have said these things to you, sorrow has filled your heart.
Jesus spoke these words the night of His betrayal in the upper room in Jerusalem. This is the third time Jesus has mentioned His going away since they all have been in the upper room. Jesus knows that they have no clue what the next hours and days will bring. Even though He has told them again and again. Jesus sees that they are sad about His leaving them, and they are sad that He is leaving. They have no concept of why Jesus must go, or what will happen because of His leaving. It is interesting that I am posting this during lent. Some of you reading this that are not western Christians may not know about lent. Catholics and older Protestant Churches recognize Lent. This is the 40 days before Easter that we reflect on the Passion of Jesus. How many of us, like the disciples of Jesus go through life, knowing that Jesus died for us, but not understanding that by our own sins, we are still crucifying Jesus today. To be a Christian means to walk with Jesus, in order to do that you must keep His Words, this requires action. You need to do both in order to be a Christian. Anything less is faux! What are you?? Only you can change it, if you don't like the answer.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

426th Post Jesus Predictions of His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 14: 28 - 29.

John 14: 28 - 29.
You have heard Me say to you, "I am going away and coming back to you." If you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, "I am going to the Father," for My Father is greater than I. And now I have told you before it comes, that when it does come to pass, you may believe.
Jesus spoke these words the night of His betrayal, in the upper room. This is the second time this night that Jesus had told them these things. We have the Gospels written down for us, so we can study what happened over and over. Jesus knew the disciples did not understand what He was telling them, or how His death, would change the world; or their lives. This must have been a very hard time for Jesus, to know His time was short, and how little the disciples have understood what He was telling them. The disciples were sad, because they could feel Jesus' building anguish about what He was about to face. Jesus was telling them "if you loved Me, you would rejoice because I said, I am going back to the Father." They were sad because He was leaving them. Jesus had told them over and over why He came into the world, and why He would have to go back to His Father when He had finished His work here on earth. Their sadness proves they did not understand what Jesus was telling them. Jesus was about to be Glorified, and would put an end to death's hold on all believer's. Do you believe??

Monday, February 20, 2012

425th Post Jesus On Predictions Concerning His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 13: 31 - 33.

John 13: 31 - 33.
Now the Son of Man is glorified, and God is glorified in Him. If God is glorified in Him, God will also glorify Him in Himself, and glorify Him immediately. Little children, I shall be with you a little while longer. You will seek Me, and as I said to the Jews, "Where I am going, you cannot come," so now I say to you.
This was spoken by Jesus in the upper room on the night of His betrayal. Jesus was talking only to His disciples and close friends that attended this Last Supper meeting. Jesus is telling His disciples exactly what was going to happen within a few short hours and days. Jesus explains why He would be glorified, and Who would be responsible for His Glorification; and when this would take place. Jesus had told His disciples over and over again that He had to die, and how. What would happen after His Death and why. Notice Jesus calls the disciples "little children", this is a term of endearment, as a teacher to his students. John will later tell his people this same endearment. Jesus' glorification came at several times during this short time period. He was glorified when He Died. He was glorified when He Rose, and He was glorified with His new Resurrected Body. I will teach on these glorifications as Jesus goes through them in upcoming posts.

424th Post Jesus Conserning His Predictions Con't. - His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 8: 21

John 8: 21
I am going away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 to 2 years into His earthly ministry. Jesus had been talking to the people by the Temple treasury. Jesus had moved from there to one of the Porches located inside the Court of the Gentiles. Jesus liked to speak from within the Court of Women and the Court of the Gentiles, because it was on the outskirts of the main Temple area, and the discussions here were less likely to be heard by the high religious leaders. In the previous post (John 7: 33 - 34.) Jesus did not include the phrase "and you will die in your sin". The reason for that is He is speaking to believer's and unbeliever's when He spoke those words in John 7. He had moved to another part of the Temple and was talking to just the non believer's here. You have to remember that popular opinion has turned against Jesus during this time, but it is still not time for Him to be turned over to His enemies. He was telling the Jews, who do not believe Him, that they will die in their sins, because He is the only One Who can save them from their sin! All of us have an appointment with death, because of our sinful nature. We won't stay dead if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Saves us from our sins! The Court of the Gentiles was not as clean as the area by the Treasury, and rocks and small stones would be easier to find here, if stoning was on the minds of the people. Jesus picked these areas to speak in because it was not as formal as closer to the main Temple, and He could speak with more freedom in these areas. These areas also were the most populated during the day, this also was a good reason to teach here.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

423rd Post Jesus Predictions Concerning His Ascension and Glorification Con't. John 7: 33 - 34.

John 7: 33 - 34.
I shall be you a little while longer, and then I go back to Him who sent Me. You will seek Me and not find Me, and where I am you cannot come.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 to 2 years into His earthly ministry. Popular opinion has started to change, and the Pharisees and Sadducees were plotting to capture Jesus openly. Jesus is telling His followers that He will be going back to heaven, when His work on earth is finished, they will not be able to follow. Jesus said this to His disciples, before He told them about His Father's House and many mansions, and preparing a place for us, He will come again, that where He is there they shall be also (John 14:1-3). There was another group, that heard these words of Jesus. These were the unbeliever's, they did not understand about heaven; but, they knew that Jesus seemed to be able to spoil all of the religious leaders best attempts at capturing Jesus. They thought maybe Jesus was talking about visiting the Jews of the Diaspora. Diaspora is the term given to the Jews that were displaced from Israel to other countries because of their unbelief in the One True God. This is the same God, we as Christians profess to believe in. These places were all over the known world at that time; and in the unincorporated parts of Israel. Outside the grasp of the religious leaders, it was here that Jesus chose to hide from them. Where do you stand on this Jesus??

Thursday, February 9, 2012

422nd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - Matthew 9: 15

Matthew 9: 15; Mark 2: 19 - 20; Luke 5: 34 - 35.
Can the friends of the bridegroom mourn as long as the bridegroom is with them? But the days will come when the bridegroom will be taken away from them, and then they will fast.
This was spoken by Jesus about a year and a half into His earthly ministry. This passage is in response to the disciples of John asking why they and the Pharisees fast and Jesus' disciples do not.
The Pharisees fast at least once a week and probably two times a week. The Pharisees fasted, because they were trying to look more pious than other Jews. John's disciples were fasting for another completely different reason. John had at this time been taken from his disciples and they were fasting to remind them of their pain. Remembering their pain, this is what the Pharisees and John' s disciples had in common. Jesus prophesied that His disciples would fast also, after Jesus is taken from them. The disciples of Jesus had heard these words spoken, but did not understand what Jesus was telling them. When Jesus' disciples understand what Jesus death and resurrection mean, they also will feel pain, and fast to remember it, but they also, will be fasting for a different reason. The Bible meanings become clearer, and murkier at the same time. This is why you will never learn everything this Book has to offer. I have been studying it for over 40 years, and in no way consider myself an expert on it. How is your studying going?

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

421st Post Jesus on His Ascension and Glorification Prophesises - New Section My Introduction

Jesus is going to tell the disciples and His other believer's what His death, Resurrection and Ascension will mean to the world. Before the Holy Spirit was taking an active role on earth, the disciples did not fully understand what they had been taught, what they saw as far as miracles; and what this will mean to them in living their lives. The religious leaders did not accept Jesus as the Son of God as He, Himself declared. This truth, made it hard for believer's to hear the truth in the Scriptures, and come to the knowledge of Christ. Only people truly seeking God's Truth, would find it. Holy Scriptures, at the time of Christ, were not as readily available as they are today. Jesus, Himself had to be the bridge of knowledge between the Old and New Testament. This is why knowledge of the Old Testament is necessary, to understand the New Testament. Too many Christians, only look at the New Testament, and have a narrow view of Jesus Christ because of it. I tried to show that in order to understand why Jesus had to die, and rise from the dead; you would have to understand the Old Testament, and what it teaches. Many believe the Bible contains two completely different books in the same binding. The Old Testament is not just for the Jews, and the New Testament is not just for the Christians. To have a complete faith, you need both parts of the Bible. This is why it is called God's Word. How is your knowledge of God?? Only you can change your answer if you did not like your first answer.

Friday, February 3, 2012

420th Post Why Must Jesus Rise From the Dead? - My Comment.

Jesus had to die, to satisfy God's need for payment for man's sinning against God's Laws. As explained in last post Man brought sin into the world through Adam, and needed to be reinstated back into God's good graces. Jesus dying on the cross only halfway fulfilled the reinstated process. God had to accept Jesus sacrifice, as full payment. Jesus Resurrection, is that acceptance. Ever since Adam sinned, all men have had an appointment with death. Jesus put an end to that appointment. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. If Jesus had not been the perfect sacrifice, He would have remained dead, and our belief in Jesus would be pointless. Since Jesus bore (became) the sins of the world in order to be our perfect sacrifice; He would also have to remain pure (sinless) in order to beat the power of the grave. This is why Jesus had to die and be raised. Without the Resurrection on Easter, Good Friday would be just another day. Both of these things had to happen, it would not have worked with only one. Christians observe Worship on Sunday, to remember Jesus Resurrection. Jesus became the first-fruit of the Resurrection. Jesus received a resurrected body when He was raised from the dead. We will go into this in more detail when we look at Jesus encounters with his followers after His Resurrection. HE IS RISEN!!! Praise God! Do you believe??