Friday, February 3, 2012

420th Post Why Must Jesus Rise From the Dead? - My Comment.

Jesus had to die, to satisfy God's need for payment for man's sinning against God's Laws. As explained in last post Man brought sin into the world through Adam, and needed to be reinstated back into God's good graces. Jesus dying on the cross only halfway fulfilled the reinstated process. God had to accept Jesus sacrifice, as full payment. Jesus Resurrection, is that acceptance. Ever since Adam sinned, all men have had an appointment with death. Jesus put an end to that appointment. The Bible teaches that the wages of sin is death. If Jesus had not been the perfect sacrifice, He would have remained dead, and our belief in Jesus would be pointless. Since Jesus bore (became) the sins of the world in order to be our perfect sacrifice; He would also have to remain pure (sinless) in order to beat the power of the grave. This is why Jesus had to die and be raised. Without the Resurrection on Easter, Good Friday would be just another day. Both of these things had to happen, it would not have worked with only one. Christians observe Worship on Sunday, to remember Jesus Resurrection. Jesus became the first-fruit of the Resurrection. Jesus received a resurrected body when He was raised from the dead. We will go into this in more detail when we look at Jesus encounters with his followers after His Resurrection. HE IS RISEN!!! Praise God! Do you believe??

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