Monday, February 20, 2012

424th Post Jesus Conserning His Predictions Con't. - His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 8: 21

John 8: 21
I am going away, and you will seek Me, and will die in your sin. Where I go you cannot come.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 to 2 years into His earthly ministry. Jesus had been talking to the people by the Temple treasury. Jesus had moved from there to one of the Porches located inside the Court of the Gentiles. Jesus liked to speak from within the Court of Women and the Court of the Gentiles, because it was on the outskirts of the main Temple area, and the discussions here were less likely to be heard by the high religious leaders. In the previous post (John 7: 33 - 34.) Jesus did not include the phrase "and you will die in your sin". The reason for that is He is speaking to believer's and unbeliever's when He spoke those words in John 7. He had moved to another part of the Temple and was talking to just the non believer's here. You have to remember that popular opinion has turned against Jesus during this time, but it is still not time for Him to be turned over to His enemies. He was telling the Jews, who do not believe Him, that they will die in their sins, because He is the only One Who can save them from their sin! All of us have an appointment with death, because of our sinful nature. We won't stay dead if we believe that Jesus is the Son of God and Saves us from our sins! The Court of the Gentiles was not as clean as the area by the Treasury, and rocks and small stones would be easier to find here, if stoning was on the minds of the people. Jesus picked these areas to speak in because it was not as formal as closer to the main Temple, and He could speak with more freedom in these areas. These areas also were the most populated during the day, this also was a good reason to teach here.

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