Tuesday, August 21, 2012

553rd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - The Parable of the Treasure in a Field Con't. - Matthew 13: 44 Con't. - 2nd Post.

Parable of the Treasure in a field continued 2nd post - Matthew 13:44.
Why did Jesus decide to tell this parable at this time in His ministry?  Jesus at this time seemed to have two distinctive groups that were following Him.  The Jews that knew the Torah, and listened to His Words, because they knew He spoke the truth; or they were trying to find fault with His Teachings.  The other group was made up of people who knew they needed a Savior, and heard in His Words, the way to the Savior.  This second group was made up of Jews and Gentiles.  What did this parable have to do with Jesus Ministry?  Remember Jesus was explaining what the kingdom of heaven was like.  The land or field where the treasure was hidden represents Israel.  The treasure represents God's Word.  This contains, the way to get to heaven.  The Jews were given this treasure by Moses on Mount Sinai, and over the years between Moses and the coming of Christ, the Jews, by studying and worshiping God according to their own understanding had lost the true meaning of the Word of God; represented by the treasure being buried and forgotten.  People listening to Jesus and becoming aware of the correct meaning of the Word of God, represents the person who finds the treasure, and then hides it again so he can leave the field and buy the field.  Once you know the truth, you will part with everything else in order to obtain the truth.  Will you put God in the position of number one in your life??  Only you can answer that question. 

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