Sunday, August 26, 2012

555th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Pearl of Great Price Con't. Matthew 13: 45- 46 Con't. 2nd Post.

Matthew 13: 45 - 46 Continued 2nd Post - The Parable of the Pearl of Great Price.
In both of these parables, the Pearl and the Treasure Buried in the Field, had the same thing in common.  Two people entered a place found something they recognized as very valuable, did whatever they could to obtain it, then once they owned it would never part with it.  But what is it??  Jesus started each parable with the kingdom of heaven is like...;  gaining entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven is that valuable.  It is the same today as it was at the time of Jesus, everyone who comes in contact with the Gospel has to make a decision.  Do you want to have eternal life, or not.  As these parables attest, there is a price to be paid in order to gain eternal life.  These parables say that cost is high; some people don't want to pay the price.  What is the price??  Total commitment, God wants you 100%.  This is the problem people have these days, because the world seems too good to stay away from.  We try to bargain with God, in order to gain eternal life with the least amount of cost.  This is not what these parables are teaching.  Look at the response of both finders in these parables.  Both are very happy with their purchase and neither one would part with their purchase for anything.  Is your commitment to God this strong??  That is the goal.  



  1. Amen, Brother Tom. Wow, how right you are! Both of the buyers happily paid the seemingly high price, yet suffered no "buyer's remorse".

    What a treasure our salvation is and yet what so-called "valuables" do we really have to part with to pay for it? All it costs us is what this world has to offer--and really, what riches are those? ".....adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lewdness, idolatry, sorcery, hatred, contentions, jealousies, outbursts of wrath, selfish ambitions, dissensions, heresies, envy, murders, drunkenness, revelries, and the like." (from Gal 5:19-21)

    When we truly understand what God is offering us through the blood of His Son, "It's the biggest no-brainer in the history of mankind." (Sorry, took that from an old radio ad.)

    And yet.....why is it so hard to let go of those things that make us the sinful people we are?

  2. It's part of our sinful nature, God gave us. When given a choice we always seem to pick he wrong one. We are afraid we are missing something that the world has to offer, so we partake. All who have come to Christ, have struggled with this. Trying to conquer this weakness is what keeps us humble. No matter how good we are, we can never be good enough without Jesus! This is God's proof that we all need a Savior. Jesus What a Savior!!
