Tuesday, January 8, 2013

594th Post Jesus Said In Parables Con't. - Parables About Last Shall be First Con't. Parable Of The Guests' Excuses Con't. - 3rd Post - Luke 14: 16 - 24.

Parable of the Guests' Excuses Continued 3rd post.
In the last post we were looking at the excuses these guests' made for not attending this supper.  Why did Jesus tell this parable?  Jesus told this parable to show how the guests' had belittled the gift, given by the man for providing the supper.  But what did this have to do with the people Jesus was talking to?  Jesus was using this parable to make a point, about how the people felt about God.  God invited the people to come to Him and to be His guest, they accepted the invitation but then other things became more important to them then keeping their invitation to come to the Lord's Table.  God wants a personal relationship with all men kind.  This is what Jesus was trying to remind His listeners.  Just like in the time of Jesus, we also can drift away.  We are creatures of habit and this can be a good and a bad thing.  Habits are things we do without thinking about them, we do them regularly.  Church can become a habit, it is somewhere we go on Sunday Mornings and maybe once or twice during the week.  We go, we participate but we don't think about why we are there.  This is a real danger!  Do you look forward to your time with the Lord, that you set time to be alone with Him?  Or is the time spent at Church enough to last you??  God loves it when you share all your life with Him.  This means He is part of your good times and bad times.  If you share your life with God in this way, you will discover His yoke is easy and His burden is light.  This is what the guests' were throwing away, by not coming to God's Table.  When the man's servant came back and reported that no one was coming, the man then asked the servant to go out into the streets and invite all that you find there.  Why did Jesus add this to His parable?  For another opportunity to teach the people.  I remind you that this parable is in the "Repent or Perish" part of Jesus teachings.  This is a hard lesson, and we have a lot of teachers today like the Pharisees of Jesus time, that teach something other than what Jesus or God taught.  If it is impossible for us to drift away, why does the Bible talk so much about making sure this does not happen to you??  These people that were replaced by other people, lost their chance to attend the supper.  This is quite serious, if this convicts you, you still have time to make a change.  This will not always be the case.  I'm running out of space will continue next post.       

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