Tuesday, January 22, 2013

601st Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables About the End of the Age - New Section - My Comments.

Parables About End of the Age - New Section - My Comments.
Jesus spoke a lot about the End of the Age.  What did Jesus mean by this term?  This has been the discussion since Jesus spoke these words.  The End of the time of the Gentiles?  The End of the World?  The End of Roman Occupation?  The End of the World?  All of these statements have one time or another been used to explain what Jesus meant by the end of the Age.  I believe that Jesus talked about all of these at different times in His Ministry.  The problem is, we try to lump everything Jesus said concerning these into only one category.  We will be looking into these parables and try to explain which category they fall into.  I believe that Jesus said a lot about the end of the World, and a lot of it was through parables.  I believe that the Apostles misunderstood what Jesus was telling them.  If you look at the parables that teach about End Times, the landowner goes on a long journey and is away for a long time.  The Apostles did not take this into consideration before they started talking about the rapid return of Christ.  I have been trying to point out words of Jesus that cause this idea into question.  Jesus said in His Sermon on the Mount, Matthew Chapter 5, that He did not come to do away with but to fulfill, every prophecy will be fulfilled.  If Jesus comes early, how do these outstanding prophecies become fulfilled??  God Can Not Lie!!!  The problem is that we will not know how it will end until after it happens.  If being right on this issue, will it keep you in or out of Heaven??  The answer is no, so what does it matter.  It doesn't.  This study has been about Jesus Words, and explaining their meaning.  This is all I have tried to do here.

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