Tuesday, January 22, 2013

600th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables About Last Being First Con't. - Parable of the Rich Man & Lazarus Con't. Luke 16: 19 - 31 Con't. - 4th Post.

Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus Continued Luke 16: 19 - 31.
We left the last post talking about death.  There have been a lot of false teachings about the dead throughout Christian history.  According to God's Word, if you die without knowing God or Christ, you are doomed.  This is hard for many people to hear, but this is what this parable is trying to point out.  The end of the Parable, the rich man demands that Father Abraham send some one back from the dead to talk to his brothers lest they suffer the same fate as he.  Abraham is very strong in his resolve, when he says "They have Moses and the Prophets."  "Even if someone comes back from the dead they will not listen."  Case in point, Jesus Christ Himself!  History says He rose from the dead, how many people today, doubt it happened??  Jesus had to rise!!  If He died for the sins of the world, it was our sins that killed Him.  The wages of sin is death, we are told.  The difference between Jesus' sacrifice and animal sacrifices is that Jesus only had to die once to get rid of sin.  Animal sacrifices only covered the sin and pointed to Jesus sacrifice to come.  Jesus would have to be the spotless Lamb of God in order to rise.  The fact death could not hold Jesus, proves His "SINLESS" quality.  Jesus paid the price restored fallen man back into favor with God.  This has happened.  Saying that it never happened or didn't restore man completely is to cheapen God's Gift.  Christ died for all men, all you have to do claim it is to believe it!!  DO  YOU??   

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