Tuesday, July 6, 2010

104th Post Jesus On Children Con't.- Matthew 18:14

Matthew 18:14 Even so it is not the will of your Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
Jesus is very clear on this point, that we are to teach children correctly concerning the things of God. And not cause them to stumble. Further into this chapter Jesus talks about disagreements with each other. Jesus opens the door for closing them outside the fellowship. Everything else in this chapter deals with nurturing and encouraging their walk with God. As this verse points out. If you decide to throw someone out of the fellowship. you will also be judged by God, that you acted correctly in what you did. We need to remember that when we are contemplating sending people out of the fellowship, we are in fact telling Satan he can have them. God the Father and Jesus caution us on this point. Be very sure you are right. If the offense does not equal the possible outcome, then it should never be brought to this point.
We as adults have trouble dealing with children, I believe this is why we tend to have children young, and grandchildren as we get older. The grandchildren help us remember to treat children with more understanding. Unfortunately we can guess the physical maturity of people by looking at them. We have no idea about spiritual maturity, because we can not see their heart. Spiritual maturity comes from walking with God. Only He knows how mature we really are.

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