Tuesday, July 20, 2010

110th Post Jesus on Marriage & Divorce Con't- Comment on previous post.

The Bible passages we will discuss are printed in the previous post their addresses are as follows: Matthew 5: 31 - 32; Luke 16:18; Deuteronomy 24: 1 -4.
The Matthew and Luke passages state the Law as God had intended it. Deuteronomy 24, was given only after the people cried out to God for relief. During Jesus' time divorce was so easy to get that a man could divorce his wife for burning his food. All a man had to say was "I divorce you", three times in the presence of witnesses and it would be legal. They had come a long way from the actual meaning of the Law. Notice it is the man that is mentioned, that has the power to divorce. At this time in the ancient world the man was in control. This started to change with Jesus and His teaching and really got started under Paul. I will not go into this here. At this time the man could decide if his wife was unfit for any reason and could send her out of his house. This is a whole lot different from what Jesus said, sexual immorality was the only reason for divorce. If you remember Joseph, Jesus' earthly dad, he was studying the different aspects of divorce, to put Mary away quietly. Joseph thought Mary had been unfaithful, so he had the right to have her stoned publicly if he wanted to. God intervened by sending the Angel Gabriel to him to explain Mary's situation. Joseph, accepted what the angel told him, that Jesus was born before Joseph had relations with Mary his wife. That says something about Joseph's character.

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