Wednesday, July 14, 2010

105th Post Jesus Said on Children Con't - Matthew 19:14

Matthew 19: 14; Mark 10: 14; Luke 18:16 Let the children come to Me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.
This is the passage we are the most familiar with; you would think this came before Jesus used children to teach the disciples that they (the children) were more important to God than the disciples. From the location of this text in Matthew we know this comes late in Jesus' ministry. The background for this passage is as follows. Jesus is starting to teach, and a large crowd is gathering, and the children are coming to the front for a better view of what is happening. From what we said so far, this could happen today, adults and children still act the same way. The disciples are acting as crowd control much like ushers do at our meetings today. They notice the large group of children gathering close to Jesus and start to try to move them to the back so that they won't interrupt Jesus during his talk. Jesus sees what the disciples are doing and tells them to stop and let the children come up to Him. When the children are allowed to come to Him, He takes them into His arms and blesses them. How different, does Jesus treat the children then we would today. Today we say children should be seen and not heard. Reaching the adults is more important than reaching the children. Children have a whole life to live for Christ, adults may come and listen but seldom do they change the way they live, they are stuck in their ways by adulthood. If you reach the children, you will reach their parents.

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