Thursday, July 15, 2010

106th Post Jesus On Children Con't - Matthew 21: 16

Matthew 21: 16 Yes. Have you never read, "Out of the mouth of babes and nursing infants You have perfected praise"?
This passage is toward the end of Jesus earthly ministry, when Jesus says "Have you never read",
Jesus is talking about the Old Testament, and in this case Psalm 8:2 Out of the mouth of babes and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.
Jesus spoke these words in the Temple in Jerusalem. I am sure He would attract the priests along with regular people who happened to be there. I would think the priests would marvel at His knowledge of the Old Testament, as in this passage Jesus quoted scripture easily, probably making the priests to go to the library to check to make sure He quoted correctly. In quoting Psalm 8: 2, Jesus was saying that the babes and infants are protected by God because their praise is not corrupted. Jesus wants us to be "child-like" in our faith, because it is honest and true. You learn to lie and cheat by living in this sinful world. Babes and infants have not been taught how to lie and cheat. When children start to talk themselves, this is when they discover that words have power. It is at this time that they learn all these bad things. Since we have a sinful nature, we will turn to sin without being taught. It is our knowledge of the world that makes it difficult for adults to believe the truths of God. This is what makes us continue to look for hidden meanings or secret teachings. The Praise and faith of babes and infants is simple and true.

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