Tuesday, August 10, 2010

119th Post Jesus Said About Bearing Fruit..- Comment

This is the start of a new area of discussion, concerning bearing fruit. Jesus tells us that we will be able to discern the difference between good and bad people, much like you discern between good and bad fruit at the market. This is a valuable lesson for us, and one we need to learn very well. Jesus warns about false teachers and prophets that will come, their message will fool a lot of people, including the elect, if that were possible. The Bible is our resource to uncover these false teachers and prophets. God's word will expose them. This is one aspect of bearing fruit. Jesus tells us that we also should be bearing fruit. How do we do this?? Jesus will meet a sinner, anyplace, anytime and in any situation; if you make a decision to follow Jesus, He does not want you to remain in that place. Jesus wants you to be the best you can be, so as you listen to His Words and start to put on His Attributes, you will change both your position, and your life. This process is called "walking with God", and the signs of your change become your fruits of proof of this change. All of the disciples showed their fruits as they went from being disciples to apostles. You can not be a believer in talk only, without works to back up your words. If your life has no fruit, you have no faith. If you find yourself in this position, it can be fixed. Don't stop talking, but start doing also. That is the key. Part of being a Christian is bearing fruit. You can start today!

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