Monday, August 16, 2010

124th Post Jesus on Bearing Fruit Con't - John 15: 1-8

This post is continuing discussion started from post 122. We have looked at what is needed for us to be walking or growing in Jesus Christ. These same verses can unlock the secrets to a fruitful prayer life. Jesus says if you remain in Me and My words remain in you ask whatever you want and it will be given you. Look at what Jesus has said here. If I remain in you, you keep My words, then ask whatever you want and it will be given you. In order for your prayers to be answered they must be in line with what God wants. This means that you have to be connected to God and ask for things that God wants. How many times have you taken your
petitions to the Lord based on your own understanding, and then been disappointed because they were not answered? The longer you walk with God the stronger your prayer life becomes. The more time you spend talking to God the stronger the relationship with God becomes. You will ask for things that God wants for you. People will ask you to pray for them, usually it is for healing when they have an incurable disease. This is tricky, because God controls life and death, a lot of times we blame God for not answering our prayer requests. The Bible tells us God knows how long you will live even before you are born. God heals who He will heal, and He lets them die those He wills. This is God's will not ours! One of the hardest lessons we as Christians learn is the God's ways are not our ways, and that He is in charge.

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