Wednesday, August 25, 2010

129th Post Jesus Said on Hell - Comment

We are starting a new topic in this Bible Study. Jesus said more about hell, than He did about Heaven. We will be looking at all the tools Jesus used to describe hell. Hell is the place that Jesus did not want us to go. If you find yourself there, you can not blame God for your position. You put yourself there. Hell means a place absent from God, if you lived your life like God did not exist, you will get your wish; you will spend eternity without God. Jesus said " I am the resurrection and the Life, No One comes to Father, except through Me"! People have a hard time with this, saying it is pretty narrow minded. Maybe it is, but you show me another God that Created the World, and then came down to earth and lived among us, and then died for our sins so that we could have eternal life. Jesus paid the price we were to pay because of Adam's sin. This gives Him bragging rights, and He alone can make this claim. When Jesus put his hands on Peter's head and said "Upon this rock I will build My Church, and even the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Most people think this was fulfilled when the early church was struggling against Rome. I believe that the biggest struggle will come when evil has its most power, during the tribulation period. This will be the time that the church will be tested almost to its breaking point. The Church will prevail, because each time the Church has come under fire, it gets stronger, not weaker. God is stronger than Satan or hell.

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