Monday, October 30, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels at the Same Time - Introduction of Christ - Matthew 3: 11 & 12; Mark 1: 7 & 8; Luke 3: 15 - 18; John 1: 19 - 28 - Post 16

Matthew and Luke talk about a winnowing fork, this a tool used for the process of removing the wheat kernels from the stock and chaff of the wheat plant after the wheat has died.  The threshing floor is a special plate that has raised ridges, with valleys in between to provide a place for the kernels to accumulate before they can be swept up to take to the mill.  The valleys are narrow enough to keep the stock and chaff from gathering there.  This terminology is used to describe the work the Messiah will perform while He was on earth during His Ministry.  John the Baptist used the apocalyptic language of baptism with the Holy Spirit and with fire; to show the importance of the Messiah's coming and why it will impact all of humanity.  Matthew and Luke both mention that the wheat will be gathered into His storehouse.  This talks about the separation of the good from the bad, and where both will end up.  This also is a very strong image painted here by the Gospel accounts, to show that the coming of the Messiah is very serious and important.  Inextinguishable fire, is a metaphor for hell.

John's account is more interested in viewing Jesus Christ as the Son of God.  This is why the Apostle points out who the Jewish leaders were and what questions they asked the Baptist.  The Jewish leaders started asking the Baptist who he was, The Baptist answered "I am not the Christ!"  The Jews were looking for the Messiah (Christ) to come.  Then they asked the Baptist if he were Elijah; this was because the Prophet Malachi said that the Lord would sent Elijah before the great and terrible day of the Lord.  At this point in time, God had not mentioned that the Messiah would come twice.  I believe that this is why John the Baptist used apocalyptic language in his Ministry Messages.  John the Baptist understood that Rome was in charge, and the Messianic Scriptural references talked about.  After the Baptist had told the Jewish leaders he was not any of the people they asked him about.  Then they asked him what he would say about himself.  The Baptist quoted Isaiah 40: 3, making the path straight is a metaphor for becoming straight through repentance.
When the Baptist said this the Jewish leaders wanted to know by whose authority the Baptist was baptizing.  The Jewish leaders asked this question, because they felt they were the voices of God and they had not given their permission to baptize the people.  God will use Whom He Will to accomplish His Will.  That even includes women and children!!

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