Thursday, October 26, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels at the Same Time - Childhood at Nazareth And Jesus Trip to Jerusalem at Age Twelve - Luke 2: 40 - 50 -Post 12

Joseph's family moved to Nazareth from Egypt to be further away from the eyes of the ruling authorities of the Kingdom of Israel and the Temple.  At this time the rulers of the kingdom and the Temple, were more interested in keeping a good relationship with Rome, than with God.  They liked their positions inside the Roman Empire, and would rather keep the status quo instead of making waves.
During this time Jesus was growing into an adolescent.  Not much is noted about Jesus' life at this time.  The Bible is silent until the Passover Feast of Jesus' life and the trip to Jerusalem.  The distance from Nazareth to Jerusalem is about 30 - 50 miles.  This was before public transportation, and motels and hotels, did not exist along the roadway as they do today.  A trip like this, would require a lot of planning.  They had to carry their food, provide enough food  and water for themselves and their animals, and provide for their own security while traveling.  It was not unusual for families to make this trip together.  Jesus, had to keep all the Laws of God, in order to be the Jewish Messiah, and to become the "Perfect Sacrifice".
The family units during Jesus' time are not like the ones we know today.  When Jesus lived, people did not move very far from where they were born.  This means you would live close to your aunts, uncles, mother and father, and grandparents.  Since families would have to go to Jerusalem at least five times a year for the Feasts celebrated in the Temple.  They would usually travel together, safety in numbers and pooling their resources and sharing with each other.  After the Feast of the Passover, Mary and Joseph packed up their things and started the long journey back to Nazareth.  Mary and Joseph went a days journey and could not find Jesus, among their traveling unit.
It is here that modern parents start to admonish Jesus' parents for losing Jesus.  I believe this is a little unfair.  Think of Who their Child was.  I think it was really hard to have Jesus as a member of the family; he never did anything wrong.  Mary and Joseph had become used to not worrying about Jesus, and probably gave him a lot of room.  I believe this could have contributed to their delay in looking for Jesus.  I think it is very interesting that when they got back to Jerusalem, it took them three days before they looked for Him in the Temple.  How much have we changed from them??  Human nature is to try to do things according to our own strength, and when that fails, then we turn to God!  They should have prayed to God first.  Jesus' answer to them is perfect "Why were you looking for me?  Didn't you know that I must be in my Father's house?"
Being in the Temple, talking with the teachers of the Law, listening and asking questions, they were astonished at his answers and his understanding.  They just didn't know Who He was!  

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