Thursday, October 26, 2017

Study of all 4 Gospels at the Same Time - Eighteen Years Spent at Nazareth? - Lost Years - Luke 2: 51 - 52 - Post 13

The Bible says that His mother kept all these things and pondered them in her heart.  Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature, and in favor with God and with people.  There is a lot of speculation concerning these 18 years between the Bible account when Jesus was twelve till Jesus started His Ministry when He was thirty.  It seems everyone wants to take the credit for Jesus' enlightenment.  Some say Jesus went to the East to learn from them.  Some say He went to live with the Essenes around the Dead Sea.  Some even say He went to Western Hemisphere to teach people there.  If Jesus is God, and the teachers were astonished with His wisdom at twelve, why would He go elsewhere to learn from them??  If you look at what the East teaches and compare it with what Jesus taught, it is similar on some things and totally different on others.  The Essenes do not hold with "Blood Sacrifice", what could Jesus possibly learn from them??  If He went to the Western Hemisphere, why is there no evidence of this.  The Holy Family spent a short time in Egypt, and the Coptic's say they became believers from that short time with Jesus.

God created man and woman, created marriage between one man and one woman; He created family, to live as a unit.  This is what Jesus taught.  We will go into more detail concerning His teachings as we get further into the Gospels.

Joseph is not mentioned after the trip to Jerusalem during Passover of Jesus' 12th year.  Joseph's occupation was that of carpenter.  Joseph would have taught Jesus the trade as part of their understanding of what God taught.  If Joseph had died, Jesus would have become the "Head of the household".  In this position Jesus would be responsible for caring for His mother and the rest of the family by working as a carpenter.  Jesus would have to work in this capacity until one of his brothers could take over the family business.  When this was accomplished, Jesus would be free to start working in His Father's business.  His Father had provided everything for Jesus while He was growing up in Joseph's house.  The Wise men, had brought gifts of Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh.  God had provided for His Son, by providing the means for Joseph to move his family in and out of Egypt.  God was taking care of His Son and His family.  Remember Jesus had to satisfy all of the Law of God, in order to be the Jewish Messiah, and our "Perfect Sacrifice".  Everything that happens, is according to God's Design and because He allowed it to happen.  Even when it looks like God is not working; He is working.    

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