Wednesday, July 20, 2011

342nd Post Jesus On Admonitions & Exhortations Con't. - Charging His Disciples Con't. - John 15: 9 -15 Con't.

John 15: 9 - 15 Continued 3rd post.
Jesus tells His Disciples that they are no longer servants, but friends. Servants don't know what the master is doing or thinking, they only do what he says, blindly following orders. Jesus tells the disciples that they have been elevated to a higher position, friends. As friends, they are more in formed to what the plans and duties are. Jesus adopted us. What does this mean? We are not related by blood, but we are part of the family through adoption. At the time of Jesus, adopted children could not be disowned by the adopted parents. This means once you are adopted, the parents had to keep you as part of the family. The parents could disown their own natural children, but could not do the same for their adopted family. See the symbolism here. You are not blood relations, but you are treated with the same perks as a blood relation. Plus you could not be cast out. That's pretty good. Some church's teach that you and Jesus are of the same family, meaning blood relations. Clearly this is not what the Bible teaches. This is why it is important to keep your nose in the Bible, and to continue to read it. The Bible is the Word of God and is Truth!! To know the truth, you must read the Bible.

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