Friday, July 29, 2011

349th Post Jesus On Harsh Words for the Religious System Con't. - Matthew 15: 3 - 9 Con't. - 2nd Post

Matthew 15: 3 - 9 Continued, 2nd Post.
The last part of the commandment of God was, that if you did not Honor your father or mother you were to be put to death. The Pharisees' totally disregarded this part of the commandment, we did not curse them so this part of the commandment does not apply to us. Withholding money in this way was was a form of cursing, in God's eyes. This is why Jesus called the Pharisees Hypocrites! We are guilty of this today, we are allowing the government to take care of our aging parents, and not helping to our full ability. A lot of our seniors are losing their houses, and forced to live on the streets. We like the Pharisees, will be called to account for this sin.

This is just one area, where we have made our traditions greater than the commandment of God. We will be called in account for all these breeches in following God's true direction. We are dumbing down God's Word in our Churches to the degree, that some of our beliefs run the complete opposite of God's. Like the generations before us we have trusted in the Lord according to our own understanding instead of God's. And like them, we may find ourselves on the wrong side of the door when it is closed. It is our personal job to make sure that we are following God, and not men. Reading the Bible, will keep you on the right path. Are you reading the Bible daily?? No one can do this for you!

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