Friday, July 22, 2011

343rd Post Jesus On Admonitions & Exhortations Con't. - Charging His Disciples Con't. - John 20: 21 - 23.

John 20: 21 - 23.
Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I also send you. Receive the Holy Spirit. If you forgive sins of any, they are forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they are retained.
This was spoken by Jesus in the upper room after Jesus has been raised from the dead. Jesus has just entered the room with the doors and the windows locked, without someone opening a door or a window to allow Him to enter. Jesus is commissioning the disciples to carry on His work. The last part of this passage seems a little strong. You have to remember that Jesus was calling them to grow the Church. This is the second time Jesus used this word. The first time was when he placed his hands on Peter and said "upon this rock I will build this Church." Notice Jesus did not use the word Temple. The Church did not have to meet in the Temple in Jerusalem anymore. Why is this? The Temple and its rituals pointed to the coming Messiah. Jesus Christ fulfilled those rituals, so it was not necessary to continue to worship there. The disciples were given the power to forgive, or not sins. How is this possible? Belief that Jesus came and died for your sins, and was raised as acceptance for that sacrifice is what is required for your sins to be forgiven. If you have asked your sins to be forgiven, but do not believe that Jesus Christ died and rose for your sins, you are still in your sin!

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