Wednesday, April 28, 2010

62nd Post Jesus His Mission Con't - John 12:47 - 50.

John 12: 47 - 50.
This passage is quite interesting and deals with the time that Jesus spoke those words all the way to the end of the world. Jesus tells the people that hear these words and still do not believe, Jesus does not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. He who rejects Me,
and does not receive My words, has that which judges him-- the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day. Clearly, here Jesus says that if you reject My words you will be judged on the last day. Then Jesus goes on to say "For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak. And I know that His command is everlasting life. Therefore, whatever I speak, just as the Father has told Me, so I speak.

Jesus message has been the same, if you want eternal life, you must hear My Words and keep My Commands. You have the same choice that the people did that first heard these words, you can receive or reject His words. Remember that if you choose to reject, those words will come back to bite you on the last day. But, then again if you reject those words, you really don't believe that Jesus will come again anyway. You will be there among all of those who chose to reject Jesus and His words, including Caiaphas (Matthew 26:64). Choose today who you believe, as for Me I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

61st Post Jesus On His Mission Con't - John 12: 23 - 28.

John 12: 23 - 28.
This passage is from a very busy time for Jesus at the end of His ministry. John chapter 12 opens with Mary, Lazarus' sister anointing Jesus with costly perfume, a week after Jesus raised Lazarus from the dead. Greeks coming to Jerusalem to see Lazarus, the man raised from the dead. The religious leaders plotting to kill Lazarus. The Triumphal Entry of Jesus. Jesus tells the people again that He is going to die. "He who loves his life will lose it, and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." What does this mean? If you love your life you will lose it? Jesus was saying that to follow Him you must deny yourself, pick up your cross daily and follow Him. Luke 9:23. When you follow Christ, Jesus becomes the most important thing in your life. You will stand for Him at any cost. It will cost you, that is why Jesus said you will lose it; it may not cost you, your life but it could. Now look carefully at the second part of Jesus statement, "and he who hates his life in this world will keep it for eternal life." You become new by putting off the attributes of this world, and putting on Godly attributes. This process is called walking with God. If you look and act the same way you did before you were baptized, maybe you should consider making a stronger commitment to God. When you die, you should be the most like Christ you can be, until God completes that work in you. God promises to complete what He starts. Like Jesus' disciples, we also have to make a choice. Are you ready to follow Christ??

Monday, April 26, 2010

60th Post - Jesus On His Mission Con't - John 9: 39

John 9:39 For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may be blind
To understand this passage you need to go back to the first verse of John 9. This is after Jesus heals a man that was born blind. The disciples came upon this blind man on their way to the Temple. They asked Jesus how this man came to be blind, was it the sins of this man's parents, or his own sin that made him blind? At the time of Jesus, many believed that all physical problems were God's judgment on you for your sins. This was the reason for their question. Notice Jesus answer, "Neither, this man was born blind so that the Son of Man might be glorified." This man was blind from birth, and was now an adult waiting for Jesus to come along and heal him. Notice the day on which this healing took place. Jesus healed this man on the Sabbath. The religious leaders could not accept this. For you to understand the situation, you need to know that the priests were the only ones who could work or were expected to work on the Sabbath. They knew Jesus was not one of them. The religious leaders were more interested in finding out who healed this man, then they were in praising God that this man born blind had been restored. Redeeming the lost, that is what this chapter of this book is about. Since the man could not tell them who it was that healed him they sought out his parents. They were afraid of being thrown out of the Synagogue, if this happened they would be thrown out of fellowship with believers and God. This was very serious, and still is, in Church they call this ex-communication. If this happened, it would mean that two innocent people were judged falsely. Jesus healed physical blindness that day, but spiritual blindness was the big problem.

Friday, April 23, 2010

59th Post Jesus His Mission Con't - John 8:26.

This passage is from John 8: 26. "I have many things to say and to judge concerning you, but He who sent Me is true; and I speak to the world those things which I heard from Him." This passage needs more information in order to understand it. Go back to beginning of this chapter, you will see that it starts off with the scribes and Pharisees bringing a woman caught in adultery. They bring this woman to Jesus and say that the Law of Moses says we are to stone such women, what
do you say? The Jewish leaders were trying to trick Jesus. The Law of Moses required both man and woman to be stoned. They only had half the guilty party. Jesus' problem with the Leaders of the Temple was that they had forgot that not only is God a God of Justice; He is also a God of Mercy. When Jesus told them that the one without sin cast the first stone, He was making the Leaders admit that they were sinners also. The religious leaders thought that since they read the Torah they were without sin. They thought about sin much the same way they thought about Leprosy if you touched a sinner or came into contact with them you would become unclean. This is why they gave Jesus such trouble about eating at Matthew's house a tax collector.
If you look at the passage John 8:26, I have reminded you of some of the things Jesus will judge concerning them and us. Jesus stayed true to His Father and in every case judged correctly, even when the leaders tried to stack the situation to their advantage. God could always see the Truth. This was true then and is true now. Do you need this Savior?

Thursday, April 22, 2010

58th Post Jesus Mission Con't - John 7: 6 -7

John 7: 6 - 7.
The whole story starts in the beginning of Chapter 7 of John. This is during the Feast of Booths, also known as the feast of Tabernacles; this feast is to remind the Hebrew people that for 40 years God took care of them in the wilderness. They are to make temporary shelters and live in them for 8 days. This feast falls in the Jewish Month of Tishri September to October of our calendar. This is one of four feasts that fall within the Hebrew month of Tishri. The others are: Rosh HaShannah Feast of Trumpets, Jewish New Year, 1st day of Tishri; Yom Kippur Day of Atonement, 10th day of Tishri; Feast of Booths (Tabernacles) 15-21 day of Tishri; Simchat Torah (Rejoicing in the Law)
22 - 23 day of Tishri.
In this passage of John, Jesus tells the disciples to go to Jerusalem by themselves, He (Jesus) is not going. You need to understand that Jerusalem was not a safe place for Jesus. Since the Temple was there, the Sadducees and Pharasees were at their strongest there. Jesus had made enemies of them by telling the people they were not living up to the Law they loved, and like the common people needed a Savior. Jesus enemies would be watching the gates looking for Him and his disciples to pass by. It would be much safer to enter Jerusalem by Himself, he would draw much less attention to Himself. We learned that one of Jesus favorate routes into Jerusalem was through the "Dung Gate". What a model for us to follow, enter through the Dung Gate. Do you need this Savior??

57th Post Jesus His Mission Con't - John 4:34

John 4: 34.
This passage deals with the Samaritan woman at the well. Since I have already covered this story in the first section of this Bible Study titled "His Identity"; I will not repeat the story here, you can refer to it by going to the "His Identity" section of this blog (hint) it is the first chapter I wrote about.
Jesus' disciples have left Jesus at the well and went into the town to bring back food and drink for Him because He was tired. While Jesus was at the well, He engaged a Samaritan woman in conversation. This story is found in both these locations because this story is part of both chapters.
When we looked at this story in the section titled "His Identity", we focused on Jesus revealing to this woman that He was the Messiah. Now we are looking at this story from a different perspective, Jesus Mission was to reach the lost and bring them back to God. Jesus did this through His conversation with the woman. Now Jesus was doing quite well with the woman before the disciples came back from town. Imagine their surprise, Jesus was alone when they left Him, now He has a woman who he is talking to. This is very early in His ministry, so the disciples are surprised, but know enough not to cause a scene here, by questioning Jesus why He would waste His time with a woman, and a Samaritan at that! All they knew was Jesus was tired when they left Him, and now He seems fully recovered. Jesus told them, that when I am doing the work of My Father, that is Spiritual Food for Me. As you mature in your walk with Jesus, you also will do the work of the Father; when you do this, you will see that God gives you the strength, the words and the ability to administer to those He picks for you to Minister to. God does all the work, and makes you feel good at the same time.

56th Post Jesus & His Mission Con't - Luke 19: 9 - 10.

Luke 19: 9 -10. The Story of Zacchaeus, Luke 19: 1 - 10.
The background for this story is that Jesus started His journey from the Sea of Galilee and is heading up to Jerusalem. Jesus is on His way to be in Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. The crowd has been building the whole time they have been walking. The crowd is not yet to the city gates of Jericho, when a small man named Zacchaeus a tax collector hears the crowd and asks "What is happening?" "Jesus is coming" was the reply. Zacchaeus wanted very much to see Jesus, so he climbed a tree to get above the croud for a better look. Imagine his surprise when Jesus looked up in the tree and called Zacchaeus by name. They have never met, how did this man know my name? Then Jesus asked Zacchaeus if He could go to Zacchaeus' house and have a meal with him. Zacchaeus did not know what to think. After eating and talking with Jesus, Zacchaeus became a believer; and told the crowd that if he had cheated anyone he would pay back everything up to four times what was owed. Zacchaeus was a rich man, so he could afford what he promised. Tax collector's made their money by charging the Jews the taxes demanded by the Romans, the Romans did not pay the tax collector's so they had to charge more in order to eat. They were hated by the Jews because of this. This story shows what happens when a man truley repents.

55th Post Jesus Said His Mission Con't - Luke 15: 8-10

Luke 15: 8- 10. The parable of the Woman and her lost coins.
This parable is along the same lines as the Ninety and Nine Sheep. Like the shepherd, this woman has lost something. In her case she has lost a silver coin. In both cases the shepherd and the woman have lost something of value. Jesus is telling the story with the idea, that He himself has lost something of value also. Like the shepherd and the woman, Jesus is also searching for the lost and trying to find them. When the shepherd and the woman find what it was they had lost, they ask their friends to rejoice with them on finding that which was lost. Jesus is no different, when He finds the lost and brings them back to God, all the Angels in Heaven rejoice with Jesus, that He has found that which is lost.

Redeeming the lost is why Jesus came here the first time. One of our biggest problems, being human is that we seldom realize that we are lost. When life is good, and you are content in your sin; you feel you do not need a Savior. This is usually the time Jesus comes to you. It is very easy to turn Him away at this time. Then when you have no where to turn but up, this is when you forget to call on your Savior. Jesus still seeks the lost. Are you lost?

Monday, April 19, 2010

54th Post Jesus Mission Con't - Luke 15: 4 -7.

Luke 15: 4 - 7; Matthew 18: 12 - 14. The parable of the Lost Sheep (Ninety and nine).
This parable is hard for us to understand, because for most of us it has been a long time since we have been around sheep. Some of us may know where to buy products made from sheep, or where to buy the meat. But when you start to talk about how sheep react or what they do, we have a hard time understanding. Jesus tells us this story of a shepherd with 100 sheep and one is lost. The shepherd leaves the 99 sheep and goes looking for the one lost sheep. This doesn't sound very practical, what is to keep the 99 sheep together while you are looking for the one? Jesus does not tell us, however, that is not the point of this parable. The point is that the shepherd goes out and searches for the lost sheep and then rejoices when he finds it. What does the name Jesus mean? You can find the answer to that in Matthew 1:21 "you will call his name Jesus, for he will save his people from their sins." Finding the lost sheep, the lost people of God, was Jesus job on earth. This is what Jesus was talking about in this parable. Jesus did not come to save the righteous, they are symbolized in the ninety-nine sheep. The problem is if you really get down to it there is no such thing as righteous. Paul tells us is Romans 3:23 "that all have sinned and fallen short of the Kingdom of God". We are all lost and need Jesus. This is the point.

Monday, April 12, 2010

53rd post Jesus Mission Con't - Luke 12: 49 - 53 con't.

Luke 12: 49 - 53; Matthew 10: 34 - 36; Mark 10: 38.
"Do you suppose that I came to give peace on earth? I tell you, not at all, but rather division. For from now on five in one house will be divided: three against two, two against three. Father will be divided against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law." Jesus was telling the people that when you come face to face with Him, you have to make a decision. You either will believe and follow Him or you won't. This is the same decision that we have to make today. You either believe that Jesus is who He says He is or you don't. The last post shows how we as believer's feel about Baptism. Baptism was supposed to unite us as like minded Christians, but we cannot even agree on how it should be administered. Satan enjoys it when Christians fight amongst ourselves because we are not focusing on Satan but fighting with ourselves. We can not fight united against Satan when we are too busy fighting with one another.

Jesus would not be happy if He came back now and sees His people fighting amongst themselves.
We are supposed to be united against Satan. That is supposed to be our fight, not fighting one another. We have many denominations because we feel that our way is better than someone elses. We as believer's are to Lift up Jesus and follow His commands. Jesus was talking to the unbeliever's, but we being human have applied this teaching to ourselves, without knowing it.

52nd Post Jesus Mission Con't. - Luke 12: 49 - 53 Con't.

Luke 12: 49 - 53; Matthew 10: 34 - 36; Mark 10: 38, continued.
It was not John the Baptist's fault, he did the work he was asked to do and did it faithfully. God created us with free choice, and it is this free choice, that gets us in a lot of trouble; because we always seem to pick the wrong choice. When Adam brought sin into the world, we have been making the wrong choices ever since. This will continue to happen until Jesus comes again.

The next section is as follows: "But I have a baptism to be baptized with, and how distressed I am til it is accomplished!" What Baptism is Jesus talking about here? It is baptism by the Holy Spirit!
This is the same thing Jesus was talking to Nicodemus in John chapter 3. You must be born again.
Contrary to popular belief, anyone who is baptized with the understanding that he is now a follower of Jesus Christ and believes that "Jesus is the Son of God, Jesus died to save him from his sins, and since Jesus rose on Easter, then also he will rise!" No matter how he was baptized, immersed, sprinkled, or whatever. He is baptized!! This is what Paul meant when he said I believe in one Baptism for the remission of sins. The point of Baptism is not how, but why you were baptized. The sooner we remember why we are doing what we are doing the better off we all will be. We are Baptized into a Spiritual relationship with God. This is the point!!
If you are Baptized you are born again!!

51st Post Jesus Mission Con't - Luke 12:49-53

Luke 12: 49 - 53; Matthew 10: 34 - 36; Mark 10:38.
This passage led to a large discussion, concerning this topic. We will take this passage apart piece by piece and look at each part, by themselves. The first part "I came to send fire on the earth, and how I wish it were already kindled!" God sent John the Baptist ahead of Jesus to get the people ready to receive Jesus. John did what he could, but the people would not follow him in the huge crowds that would have been needed to make Jesus' ministry easier. John the Baptist had large crowds following him, but the work was not complete when Jesus came. Jesus found the people, to be for the most part uneducated and unresponsive. When Jesus performed miracles He wasn't sure if it was the miracles that brought the people, or His actual teachings. Jesus miracles coincided with His teachings. When a fire is already kindled, this means that it is ready to burst into a blazing fire very quickly. The fact that Jesus uses the word wish, here states that He did not expect to have to gather the wood, build a place to hold the fire and then actually go through the motions of starting that fire. Jesus thought He would be able to build on what John the Baptist had already started. The people looked at John the Baptist to be one teacher and Jesus to be another. Two with similar messages but different. In the previous section "Jesus' Relationship with His Father", you will notice that Jesus was building a chain of command between His Father (God), and Himself. John the Baptist was supposed to start the chain of command with Jesus continuing it and then passing it onto the disciples after Jesus ministry was finished. I am running out of space, this will be continued on next post.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

50th Post Jesus And His Mission Con't - Luke 4: 18-19, & 21.

This passage takes place in a Synagogue in Nazareth on the Sabbath very early in Jesus ministry. Jesus stood up to read which is the custom for the men in the city to do on the Sabbath. They would read from the scroll and then comment on it. On this Sabbath the scroll happened to be opened to Isaiah, Jesus read from 58:6 and 61: 1-2. Jesus did this before the scriptures were broken up into chapter and verse as our Bibles are today. This feat would be almost impossible for a common man whom Jesus was to do, because they would not be that familiar with the scrolls only seeing them on Sabbath, and not having a copy of their own at home to refer to. The Jews had heard these words many times and would know that they talk about the coming Messiah. Then Jesus did something very bold, after He had finished reading He told them that the scriptures had been fulfilled in their hearing. This statement spoken by Jesus could have only one meaning, He was telling them He was the promised Messiah. Instead of the men embracing Him, what did they do? They tried to take Him out of the Synagogue and throw Him off a very steep cliff on to the rocks below. The people shouted we know your parents Mary and Joseph, you grew up among us. Jesus moved through the crowd without being touched. Remember this is very early in Jesus ministry and it was not the time or the place for his death to take place. If you read Isaiah 61: 1-2 and look at what Luke wrote in his account, Jesus did not complete the whole passage, why?? Jesus only spoke that which did come true in their hearing, the rest of the passage deals with Jesus when He comes back. Jesus knows His job, and knows what is required of Him. Jesus is Lord and our Savior. This will be coming more and more clear as we continue to study His Words.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

49th Post Jesus His Mission con't - Mark 1: 38

The passages Mark 1: 38 and Luke 4:43 are from very early in Jesus ministry. This passage takes place after Jesus healed Peter's mother-in-law which caused the whole town to bring their sick and crippled to him for healing. Jesus worked all night working in this capacity. In the morning Jesus tells his disciples that they must go out into the surrounding towns and do the same thing; for this is why He was sent. Jesus was sent by God the Father, as we learned that Jesus only did the work of His Father. This takes place around the Sea of Galilee, this is located in the Northern Part of Israel. It is fitting that Jesus should start his ministry here, after all this was part of the ten tribes that forsook God first as foretold in Deuteronomy chapter 28. One of the jobs of the Redeemer was to restore Israel. Isiah foretold in chapters 42, 43 & 44 that the Messiah was to redeem His people. The people were also commanded to return to Him, they would be blessed if they did. God even here is well aware that the Jews have free choice and could choose to reject Him and His Redeemer. Many Jews did reject Him, but not all. These are the ones that the Bible calls the remnant. These are the believing Jews all through out history that did not lose their sight of their God. God said He would never turn His back on His people, or leave them. This is the start of Jesus ministry, and He is fulfilling what His Father said He would do.

Monday, April 5, 2010

48th Post Jesus Mission Con't - Matthew 15: 24

This passage is from Jesus encounter with a Canaanite woman (the whole story Matthew 15: 21 - 28). At first glance it looks like Jesus is very rude to this woman. This woman called Jesus "Son of David", and asked him to cure her daughter. The fact that the woman is called Canaanite, means that she was not a Jew, and maybe not even a believer. Jesus tells the woman that He was sent only to the lost sheep of Israel. Clearly this woman is not a Jew and outside the territory of Israel (district of Tyre and Sidon), so she was not one of the people Jesus said He was here to reach, but the lost sheep of Israel. She would not be put off and kept following Jesus. Jesus said to her "It is not right to take the children's bread and throw it to the dogs. Jesus was telling her that His Blessings were for the Jews only and not dogs. Dogs in the Bible are usually held in a negative light. So When Jesus likened her to dogs, it was not a compliment. This also did not deter her, for she responds with "Yes Lord, yet even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from their masters' table." The woman turned the story around by putting the dogs under their masters' table. These dogs were pets and not wild dogs as Jesus had made them out to be. These dogs were not fed the bread directly, but fed on what was dropped by the children. The woman was saying to Jesus, you are here in our territory outside your land, and you are helping your own people, since you are here, You could help my daughter also. Jesus went through all this drama, not for her benefit, but for His disciples. He knew her heart, and wanted them to know it also. Jesus praised her for her faith and healed her daughter.

47th Post Jesus Said About His Mission - Matthew 9: 12 -13

The Passages Matthew 9: 12 - 13; Mark 2: 17; Luke 5: 31 - 32 deal with Jesus having dinner at Matthew's house. The fact that Jesus was in the presence of tax collectors, prostitutes, and other shadowy figures; made the religious leaders uncomfortable. You see they believed that since they studied the Law they had become sinless through their interpretation of God's Law. The point of the Law as given by God to Moses, was to show the people that they have sinned in God's eyes and the need for a Savior to save them from their sins. The religious leaders made the Law their God, and tried to keep it perfectly; and what they could not keep, they would build a hedge around the Law so they could not get close enough to break it. The problem was they got so far away from the meaning that God intended, that they became prideful in their interpretation of the Law. They had forgotten God is also a God of mercy, not just a God of justice. They embraced the legal side of God and totally tried to forget the mercy side of God. They gave their alms to the poor, but not cheerfully. If the Sadducees and Pharisees, were Christians you would find them among the salt in the shaker. To be salt in the shaker you only deal with Christians, go only to Church, and talk only to Christians. It is very easy to stay a Christian under these conditions, you are all like minded, and will not push each others buttons. When we get out of our comfort zone and go out amoung non-believers the salt is poured out of the shaker. Jesus commands us to be in the world, but not of the world. If we do this we will be doing the words of Jesus and be doing what Jesus did by going to Matthew's house for dinner.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

46th Post - Comment on the Story of Easter.

HE IS RISEN!!! HE IS RISEN INDEED! When you say this to one another today, do you think about all that these simple words mean? Why do we say these words in this order? Tradition tells us that this is how the disciples passed on the GOOD NEWS of Jesus rising from the dead. I know, I know, you will say to me that that was a long time ago. It is not that important anymore. Is that True?? I think we need this message more today than when they were first spoken 2,000 years ago. When you read the Easter Story starting with the women early in the morning, there is a recurring story within the story. This recurring story is that each one when given a piece of the news did not keep it to themselves, they passed it on. Have you told anyone about your RISEN LORD TODAY? What is the point of going to Bible Studies and Church, if you don't pass on what you have learned?? You can never learn everything there is about this story or anything else in the Bible, that is what makes THIS BOOK different from any other book! The more you know, the deeper the story goes, you can not out think GOD! If you are reading the Bible for all it's worth like Gordon Fee says, you will never cease to learn new and have a deeper knowledge of the Bible. We as Christians are under attack today, and instead of STANDING UP FOR OUR KING, we hide ourselves away in a secret room, like the disciples did.
The story of Easter is spreading the Good News. Will they have enough evidence to convict you??

Friday, April 2, 2010

45th Post - Comment on Reading Psalms 22, 23 & 24 for Good Friday.

I asked you to read the following Psalms during your quiet time on Good Friday; and Meditate on them. I asked you to do this and hope that you have done this before reading this post. Psalm 22 should be fairly obvious, but Psalm 23 and 24 may require further explanation. Psalm 22 opens with "My God why have You forsaken Me." This was quoted by Jesus on the cross, this Psalm was written by David almost 1,000 years before Christ was born, and some 300 years before crucifixion was invented as a means of capitol punishment. Now that you are aware of this information, you might want to re-read Psalm 22 again. Notice how close this Psalm coincides with the account of the crucifixion mentioned in the Gospels. It is almost like David was an eye witness to what happened to Jesus on the cross. David describes what it might feel like to be crucified, this Psalm gives us an insight to what it might have been like. It is incredible how much this Psalm foretells what actually happened.

Then I had you read Psalm 23. This Psalm should be quite familiar to you. This Psalm tells you about the Good Shepherd. Jesus is our Good Shepherd, he takes care of our every need. This is what the phrase "I shall not want" means. God will provide for our every need. He leads us beside still waters. This line means that God as our Shepherd knows that we will not drink from running or fast moving water. The shepherd will have to make a special pool for us to drink from. Jesus showed us all the aspects of the Good Shepherd during his earthly ministry. This is why he fed the thousands, twice; healed the sick and the lame and raised people from the dead.
When we walk through the valley of death, He will not leave us.

The last Psalm was 24. This Psalm talks about an exalted King returning to reign in His Kingdom and rule His people. This Psalm points to the Millenial period when Jesus will reign in Jerusalem and govern for 1,000 years. This is Biblical and since the Bible is the complete Word of God I believe what it says. Jesus said "I have not come to destroy the Law and the Prophets, but to fulfill. Heaven and Earth may pass away but my Words will never pass away. Not one yot or tittle." That means not one dot of the "i" or cross of the "t". Thats pretty strong language coming from Jesus.

I hope that meditating on these three Psalms, and having them explained to you here has been a help to your observance of Good Friday and getting ready for Easter.

God is still on the throne.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

44th Post Jesus Relationship with His Father Con't. John 15: 23 - 25

This passage is taken from chapter 15 of John verses 23 through 25. The background for this passage is as follows. Jesus and His Disciples are up in the upper room where they will partake in their Last observance of the Passover meal together. We will study the Last Supper at another time. Jesus has washed the disciples feet and is talking to them about the things to come. Chapter 15 of John is a good one to try to read all in one sitting, that means try to read the whole chapter through at one time. There is a lot of good material in it. We are only interested in verses 23 - 25 at this time. Jesus talks about people who hate Him also hate the Father. Listen to these words, the religious leaders of the day hated Jesus, but thought they loved God. In fact if you questioned their love for the Father they would be ready to fight you. Hear Jesus clearly says if you hate Me you hate the Father. Jesus goes on to say that if I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin. Why do they have sin now? The Bible teaches about a prophet that will come and perform miracles. The Blind see and the Deaf hear (Isaiah 29:18 deaf, and Isaiah 35:5 blind see). These works were done in order for the people to believe that Jesus was who He said He was. They did not believe and even that was foretold in Psalms 35: 19 and in Psalms 69:4. God knew the people would not believe, even if he told them ahead of time they would not believe. You like them have to make a decision, is Jesus who He said He was? Or is He an imposter?