Wednesday, April 7, 2010

50th Post Jesus And His Mission Con't - Luke 4: 18-19, & 21.

This passage takes place in a Synagogue in Nazareth on the Sabbath very early in Jesus ministry. Jesus stood up to read which is the custom for the men in the city to do on the Sabbath. They would read from the scroll and then comment on it. On this Sabbath the scroll happened to be opened to Isaiah, Jesus read from 58:6 and 61: 1-2. Jesus did this before the scriptures were broken up into chapter and verse as our Bibles are today. This feat would be almost impossible for a common man whom Jesus was to do, because they would not be that familiar with the scrolls only seeing them on Sabbath, and not having a copy of their own at home to refer to. The Jews had heard these words many times and would know that they talk about the coming Messiah. Then Jesus did something very bold, after He had finished reading He told them that the scriptures had been fulfilled in their hearing. This statement spoken by Jesus could have only one meaning, He was telling them He was the promised Messiah. Instead of the men embracing Him, what did they do? They tried to take Him out of the Synagogue and throw Him off a very steep cliff on to the rocks below. The people shouted we know your parents Mary and Joseph, you grew up among us. Jesus moved through the crowd without being touched. Remember this is very early in Jesus ministry and it was not the time or the place for his death to take place. If you read Isaiah 61: 1-2 and look at what Luke wrote in his account, Jesus did not complete the whole passage, why?? Jesus only spoke that which did come true in their hearing, the rest of the passage deals with Jesus when He comes back. Jesus knows His job, and knows what is required of Him. Jesus is Lord and our Savior. This will be coming more and more clear as we continue to study His Words.

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