Thursday, April 22, 2010

57th Post Jesus His Mission Con't - John 4:34

John 4: 34.
This passage deals with the Samaritan woman at the well. Since I have already covered this story in the first section of this Bible Study titled "His Identity"; I will not repeat the story here, you can refer to it by going to the "His Identity" section of this blog (hint) it is the first chapter I wrote about.
Jesus' disciples have left Jesus at the well and went into the town to bring back food and drink for Him because He was tired. While Jesus was at the well, He engaged a Samaritan woman in conversation. This story is found in both these locations because this story is part of both chapters.
When we looked at this story in the section titled "His Identity", we focused on Jesus revealing to this woman that He was the Messiah. Now we are looking at this story from a different perspective, Jesus Mission was to reach the lost and bring them back to God. Jesus did this through His conversation with the woman. Now Jesus was doing quite well with the woman before the disciples came back from town. Imagine their surprise, Jesus was alone when they left Him, now He has a woman who he is talking to. This is very early in His ministry, so the disciples are surprised, but know enough not to cause a scene here, by questioning Jesus why He would waste His time with a woman, and a Samaritan at that! All they knew was Jesus was tired when they left Him, and now He seems fully recovered. Jesus told them, that when I am doing the work of My Father, that is Spiritual Food for Me. As you mature in your walk with Jesus, you also will do the work of the Father; when you do this, you will see that God gives you the strength, the words and the ability to administer to those He picks for you to Minister to. God does all the work, and makes you feel good at the same time.

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