Thursday, April 22, 2010

55th Post Jesus Said His Mission Con't - Luke 15: 8-10

Luke 15: 8- 10. The parable of the Woman and her lost coins.
This parable is along the same lines as the Ninety and Nine Sheep. Like the shepherd, this woman has lost something. In her case she has lost a silver coin. In both cases the shepherd and the woman have lost something of value. Jesus is telling the story with the idea, that He himself has lost something of value also. Like the shepherd and the woman, Jesus is also searching for the lost and trying to find them. When the shepherd and the woman find what it was they had lost, they ask their friends to rejoice with them on finding that which was lost. Jesus is no different, when He finds the lost and brings them back to God, all the Angels in Heaven rejoice with Jesus, that He has found that which is lost.

Redeeming the lost is why Jesus came here the first time. One of our biggest problems, being human is that we seldom realize that we are lost. When life is good, and you are content in your sin; you feel you do not need a Savior. This is usually the time Jesus comes to you. It is very easy to turn Him away at this time. Then when you have no where to turn but up, this is when you forget to call on your Savior. Jesus still seeks the lost. Are you lost?

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