Saturday, April 3, 2010

46th Post - Comment on the Story of Easter.

HE IS RISEN!!! HE IS RISEN INDEED! When you say this to one another today, do you think about all that these simple words mean? Why do we say these words in this order? Tradition tells us that this is how the disciples passed on the GOOD NEWS of Jesus rising from the dead. I know, I know, you will say to me that that was a long time ago. It is not that important anymore. Is that True?? I think we need this message more today than when they were first spoken 2,000 years ago. When you read the Easter Story starting with the women early in the morning, there is a recurring story within the story. This recurring story is that each one when given a piece of the news did not keep it to themselves, they passed it on. Have you told anyone about your RISEN LORD TODAY? What is the point of going to Bible Studies and Church, if you don't pass on what you have learned?? You can never learn everything there is about this story or anything else in the Bible, that is what makes THIS BOOK different from any other book! The more you know, the deeper the story goes, you can not out think GOD! If you are reading the Bible for all it's worth like Gordon Fee says, you will never cease to learn new and have a deeper knowledge of the Bible. We as Christians are under attack today, and instead of STANDING UP FOR OUR KING, we hide ourselves away in a secret room, like the disciples did.
The story of Easter is spreading the Good News. Will they have enough evidence to convict you??

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