Monday, April 26, 2010

60th Post - Jesus On His Mission Con't - John 9: 39

John 9:39 For judgment I have come into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may be blind
To understand this passage you need to go back to the first verse of John 9. This is after Jesus heals a man that was born blind. The disciples came upon this blind man on their way to the Temple. They asked Jesus how this man came to be blind, was it the sins of this man's parents, or his own sin that made him blind? At the time of Jesus, many believed that all physical problems were God's judgment on you for your sins. This was the reason for their question. Notice Jesus answer, "Neither, this man was born blind so that the Son of Man might be glorified." This man was blind from birth, and was now an adult waiting for Jesus to come along and heal him. Notice the day on which this healing took place. Jesus healed this man on the Sabbath. The religious leaders could not accept this. For you to understand the situation, you need to know that the priests were the only ones who could work or were expected to work on the Sabbath. They knew Jesus was not one of them. The religious leaders were more interested in finding out who healed this man, then they were in praising God that this man born blind had been restored. Redeeming the lost, that is what this chapter of this book is about. Since the man could not tell them who it was that healed him they sought out his parents. They were afraid of being thrown out of the Synagogue, if this happened they would be thrown out of fellowship with believers and God. This was very serious, and still is, in Church they call this ex-communication. If this happened, it would mean that two innocent people were judged falsely. Jesus healed physical blindness that day, but spiritual blindness was the big problem.

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