Friday, May 14, 2010

69th Post Jesus Teachings - Beatitudes Con't 3rd Post.

The previous post defined the meanings of these. Now we will look at this list compared with the Fruits of the Spirit, that Paul told us about. There are nine Fruits of the Spirit and eight Beatitudes. Listed below are how they stack up. I have not seen this discussed anywhere else, but this is based on my years of studying the Bible, and years of Bible teaching.
1. Poor in Spirit could match with Gentleness, both of these deal with humbleness and meekness.
2. Mourn could match with Kindness, When you mourn you are crushed under the weight of that which is causing the pain. It could be dealing with death, it could be dealing with life, and it could be dealing with failure. In all these cases you need compassion and understanding. The Fruit that best applies to that could be kindness. When you are kind you are compassionate, and can give to those who mourn what they need.
3. Meek could match with Faithfulness, To be found faithful that means to God. When you live by His rules, you will not fight when the world challenges you to fight. By backing down, you look weak.
If you look at the Fruits listed in Galatians 5:22 - 23, you will notice that to do all the mentioned in the Beatitudes requires one or more fruits of the Spirit; for each Beatitudes. To acquire these traits should be the goal of all Christians.

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