Tuesday, May 4, 2010

63rd Post Jesus His Mission Con't - John 15:22.

John 15: 22. When you turn to this passage it goes along with what Jesus was saying in the previous post. When I came this time, I did not come to judge, but My words will judge them on the last day. "If I had not come and spoken them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin." Jesus is talking to His disciples in the upper room, hours before He is to be betrayed. Jesus is telling His disciples, that the people that have rejected His message, now know that He (Jesus) is the Messiah; and they have chosen to reject Him and stay in their unbelief. They have been made aware of their sin (rejecting the truth), and this will count against them on the last day. These people that rejected Him will have no excuse (no ground to stand on), that will protect them against reaping the cost of their sin. This sounds very hard to us. The people who rejected Jesus were the Pharisees and the Sadducees, both of these parties were the religious heads of the Jewish Temple and teaching. These two groups should have been the first ones to recognize that Jesus was Who He said He was! Instead, they were His biggest critics. Some of the Pharisees, did recognize Jesus as Messiah and came to believe, but not all. Jesus message is the same now as it was then. Believe I am the Truth and live, or reject Me and die. We have to make the same decision. What will you do???

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