Wednesday, May 19, 2010

71st Post Jesus Teachings Con't. - Luke 11: 28 Con't.

After casting out the demon. Jesus then tells them a story about the return of an unclean spirit (Luke 11: 24). Jesus cast a demon out of a person, the spirit then tries to find someone else to enter. Finding none, he returns to the person that he was thrown out of, and finds the place swept out and clean, but most of all empty! The spirit then takes up residence again and this time invites seven more demons to join him, making the situation much worse than before Jesus cast the demon out. What was Jesus trying to say? Having a demon cast out is only the first step, you must ask the Holy Spirit to come in and to stay. This is done by not only hearing the word of God, but also by practicing it. If this person had been practicing the Word of God, the demon would have found it swept out and clean, but not empty! We tend to go to Church and to listen to the teaching, but when we return home we forget everything that was said, so no changes take place in our lives. This is what Jesus meant when He said "Blessed are those who hear the Word of God and keep it!" When we make a decision to follow Christ, we start a journey with Him. We are to start taking off the attributes of this world and start putting on God's Attributes, as we do this people will start to see a change in us. When we die, we will be the most Christ-like that we can be until God finishes the work He started in us. How is your walk?

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